Aguinid Falls just might be our favorite falls in southern Cebu! There are five levels of waterfalls and each is more beautiful than the last. At one point we climbed up a waterfall (no you didn’t read that wrong) with a rope. It was surprisingly easier than it originally sounded and looked.

Unlike the other falls we visited in Cebu, you don’t have to drive way up into the hills to reach these waterfalls, the entrance is just off the main road.

Tip: Drive all the way up to the falls entrance (as far as you can drive) for cheaper parking. We parked at the first lot for 50 php, as we thought it was the only place to park and it had a covered area (it was starting to drizzle). After we parked and walked to the entrance, we walked by several other lots advertising cheaper parking rates (20php for motorbike parking).

At Aguinid falls, it is mandatory to visit with local guides. At first, we were annoyed about having to use/pay for guides, but we ended up enjoying our experience with guides. The two local women who led us were kind and got a lot of great pictures for us (it was like having our own personal photographer along for the trek). There isn’t a fixed rate for the guides, so how much you pay/tip them is up to you.

Tip: Use a waterproof dry bag! You will get wet. You trek through the river, up a waterfall, through a waterfall, into a waterfall, etc. If you have a camera or other gear that cannot get wet, we would advise bringing your waterproof bag to these falls. You can also buy one outside of the falls (or most places in the Philippines).

Tip: Shoes are required due to sharp rocks (water shoes would be ideal). They sell water shoes outside the falls, but as you know we’re on a budget, so I wore my flip flops. Flip flops weren’t ideal (one actually ripped through but I was able to put it back together) and they ultimately did the job. Matt’s Crocs were better suited for the falls.
What we paid: (rough conversion is 50php to $1 USD)
- Entry Fee – 120 php per person (340 php)
- Mandatory Local Guides – *120php per guide (340 php for both guides) *tip amount is up to your digression
- Parking – 50 php (We parked at the first lot we saw, but as we walked up to the falls we saw other parking areas for only 20 php)
· Total = 780 php (a little under $15 USD)
Want more waterfalls? Check out our blog post: 4 waterfalls you can’t miss in Cebu