- Baby Tylenol/acetaminophen/ibuprofen
- Baby Orajel
- Gas Drops (Mylicon): I love Little Remedies Gas Drops. They have great products that work and this is one of them.
- Gripe Water: Little Remedies Gripe Water is the miracle of miracles for hiccups! It works within 20 seconds – no joke. Best part? It’s completely natural, made from fennel, which is, in case you didn’t know, used to make licorice. Who knew?
- Diaper rash ointment: I got other brands, but none of them worked as well as Desitin Maximum Strength, went on as easily, or were as smooth. Banamex was actually grainy…yuck!
- Teething tablets: If you prefer homeopathic (and I do) Hyland makes a trusted homeopathic brand of teething tablets. I had one episode and tried these out – LO was back asleep less than 20 minutes later!
- Medicine dropper or oral syringe to measure and give medications
- Nasal Aspirator: For clearing that little nose, I found a great aspirator at Whole Foods by Green Sprouts makes a GREAT version – no joke. I’ve also heard rave reviews on Nosefrida “The Snotsucker” but haven’t tried it yet, and it’s about twice the price. I’m told it’s less invasive – anyone out there want to vouch for it? The commonplace “blue” one at Target and elsewhere does absolutely nothing!
- Digital Thermometer: The best reading you will get is rectal. Get used to this concept as going under the arm or orally will give inaccurate readings of between one and three degrees off and send you inadvertently to the ER -also, skin-only thermometers placed on the forehead are useless. DO remember to keep a diaper under your LO during a rectal reading as this procedure often makes them inadvertently have an immediate bowel movement!
- Baby shampoo: I used to have a soft spot for Johnson & Johnson, like many, until I realized they are filled with additives and chemicals. My LO had major rashes for months with Aveeno Sensitive – sound crazy? Just read the ingredients. Instead, try Shea Moisture Red Bush & Babassu scent (the lotion is excellent as well!) – ingredients are whole plant and food extracts, work great and smell amazing (I admit, I sneak some for me too).
- Liquid soap : not easy to find, but if you can, get the gel kind that doesn’t require water for those nasty diarrhea episodes on the road. You’ll thank yourself for it.
- Sterile bandages and gauze pads: I thought these would be overkill, but unbelievably, I used these the first week home and I couldn’t have been more relieved they were on hand!
- Antibiotic ointment
- Tweezers
- Baby nail clippers
- Soft hair brush
- Calamine lotion or hydrocortisone cream
- Insect repellent: w/DEET (up to 30%) or picaridin. ONLY use this on babies 2 months and older
- Sunscreen and lip protection: Remember, ONLY use sunscreen on babies 6 months and up, and pay attention to the expiration date to keep it effective. Also, avoid products with Oxybenzone and parabens – both can actually disrupt baby’s hormones (and are bad for pregnant ladies too)! Unfortunately, most of our best known brands, such as Coppertone and Hawaiian are on the naughty list, so instead look for sunscreens from Seventh Generation, The Honest Company, and Neutrogena – this last brand goes on a little thick, but it’s the first time I haven’t had a breakout or allergic reaction to sunscreen so I’m giving it a Hallelujah!
- Pedialyte: you’ll want Pedialyte on hand in smaller bottles or better yet, powder packs as it doesn’t stay once opened 9they also have freezer pops for 6+ months when baby teeths!). Baby can get dehydrated, and though you want to stick to a diet of breastmilk and your pediatrician will tell you not to add any other liquids, you’ll want this on hand in case baby comes down with something, or gets massively constipated. As always, check this out with your pediatrician, but I’m telling you as a mom, this saved my LO from a number of painful nights.
- Janet Zand’s Parent’s Guide to Medical Emergencies: this is a GREAT guide, very easy to follow and understand, and will keep you sane.
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Preparing For Baby’s Arrival
Preparing For Baby’s Arrival
Wondering what to get for the arrival of your little one? I decided to share this list of First Aid and Health Needs with you all from my own pregnancy. To see a more extensive list of general needs, click here for xoBlu’s Everything List! It’s a combination of items from other moms I’ve met online and off, as well as some plain old trial and error. Let me know if you have any items you think are worth adding to the list below!
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